Wow often uneven distribution of ore, and the number of extra lean ore often bonanza. Thus, a deep understanding of lean ore characteristics and to develop a reasonable beneficiation processes become depleted mine owners who want to enhance the repair of homework mineral production and productivity must be repair. In this regard, special machinery Shibang collect some information about the lean iron ore, and hope for the majority of lean iron ore developers to bring useful help.
lean iron ore ore properties: high iron ore types are depleted silicon, sulfur phosphorus simple type ore, the average content of each component of the whole deposit: TFe 28.68%, SiO2 53.33%, S 0.075%, P 0.033%, Mn 0.087 %. The deposit of iron ore mineral dissemination size 70.13-79.22μm, veins of ore minerals dissemination size of 111.25-139.95μm; iron mineral particle size of more than 74 accounted for 60%, low iron minerals are below 12%, iron ore veins and ore minerals and coarse grain size, these features make the process of grinding the ore formation in the lower levels with the living body lean, you can easily compare the degree of grinding mill.
For lean iron ore nature of the ore dressing plant, its beneficiation process uses a closed three-stage crushing, grinding stage, thickness grading, re-election of a magnetic one anionic reverse flotation process associated units, corresponding to the formation of a crushing, grinding and separation filter tailings power and other three operating areas. The process has the following characteristics:
Stage grinding better able to adapt to the coarse grain size of iron ore mineral properties, selected in the coarser grind size is conducive to energy conservation to reduce the degree of over-grinding mill iron minerals, reducing iron minerals loss; materials are classified into the thickness of coarse and fine two materials, the use of low-cost re-election sorting sorting coarse material derived coarse concentrate qualified, qualified coarse tailings discarded, reducing the load cycle, as part of the process to reduce the burden of fines, help reduce sorting costs; fine material before upgrading using flotation vertical ring pulsating high gradient magnetic separator strong tailing off the mud, for the flotation operation provides a good working conditions; anionic reverse flotation process and pharmaceutical processing efficiency, improve the quality of concentrate flow fine fraction; using heavy - magnetic - floating Union station processes to achieve a reasonable level of beneficiation beneficiation process narrow, various beneficiation methods complement each other, learn from each other to ensure a higher beneficiation process efficiency, the process proved technologically advanced, economical and reasonable.
Shibang machine has been that good use of the lean ore, screening bonanza will also act as facilitator. Limited resources, the state will continue to contribute to the world in the field of lean ore screening.
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